How to Set up and Use ExpressVPN on Raspberry Pi (2025)

How to Set up and Use ExpressVPN on Raspberry Pi (2025)

ExpressVPN is known for having some of the fastest servers, no matter the location you are connecting from. It has stood the test of time in providing top-notch quality VPN service.

As Raspberry PI’s operating system is different from others in terms of popularity and usage, many VPNs cannot work on it. However, ExpressVPN is among the few VPN providers that can function well on a Raspberry PI device.

This piece is a detailed breakdown regarding what steps to follow when you want to install ExpressVPN on Raspberry PI.

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Installing ExpressVPN on Your Device

Your Raspberry PI device must be secure from third parties like cyber hackers and trackers. So, you need to use a functional VPN.

ExpressVPN has fantastic features like the no-logs feature, as well as a kill switch to secure your privacy. They are under the jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands, a place with no data retention policies.

ExpressVPN boasts over 3000 VPN servers in 160 locations spread across 94 countries. With this wide server base, you need not worry about what server to connect to. You get to access any geo-restricted content wherever you are just by installing ExpressVPN on your Raspberry PI device.

This VPN runs the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256, which is the most secure encryption in the world.

The installation of ExpressVPN on your Raspberry PI device is a fairly easy process, and we’ll help you through it.

Opening an ExpressVPN account

To start, you have to open an ExpressVPN account and pay for a subscription plan. Search for and click on ‘’ on your search engine. On the menu bar, click on “Get Started.” You will find different subscription plans. The choice on which one to select is up to you. Note that the longer the plan, the less money you’ll pay monthly. The subscription fee ranges from $8.32 per month to $12.95 per month.

The next step is to input your email address. Not to worry, all your information is secured, and your privacy is guaranteed. A message will be sent to your email address. Click on it to verify your account.

After verifying your account, input your log-in details on ExpressVPN. Go to your dashboard at the top of the page and click “Set up more devices.”

Downloading and installing ExpressVPN

Select Linux from the various operating system options displayed on the site. A drop-down menu will be visible on the screen. Click on Raspbian 32-bit and download. An activation code will be provided, so do well to copy it because you would need it later. There is a copy icon on the box, just at the top right corner. However, you can use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl C) to copy the activation code.

Another way you can get the install file is by typing out;

/linux/expressvpn_1.5.1_armhf.deb” on the terminal.

This is optional, but you may need to download the PGP key. Type this command;

“gpg –keyserver

hkps:// –recv-keys 0xAFF2A1415F6A3A38″

An alternative method is with the following commands.

1. “wget

2. “gpg –import


Run this code to make sure that the code is correct:

“gpg –fingerprint” Make sure the fingerprint looks like this;

1D0B 09AD 6C93 FEE9 3FDD BD9D AFF2 A141 5F6A 3A38

If they are the same, you can install Expressvpn. This process shouldn’t take long to work.

  • Check the “downloads” folder for the installer file. Use this command

“cd ~/Downloads/”

  • Type in this command afterward:

“sudo dpkg -I expressvpn_1.5.1_armhf.deb”

  • Once installed, type this command:

“expressvpn activate”.

Now, it is time to put in the activated code that you copied earlier.

  • Input Y to share anonymous information or enter N to decline. If you agree but want to opt-out later, run this code:

“expressvpn preference set send_diagnostics false”.

Using ExpressVPN on Raspberry PI

Now, it will be easy to use ExpressVPN with the application perfectly installed.

  • To kickstart ExpressVPN, run the following code: “expressvpn connect”.

This operation will connect you to a random server if you have not connected before to any location.

  • You can disconnect from the server by running this code: “expressvpn disconnect”.
  • If you want to see all the available locations, you can do so by running the following code: “expressvpn list”.
  • To connect to a specific location of your choice, you can use a location name or an alias name.

Alias: “expressvpn connect (ALIAS)”

  • For specific locations: “expressvpn connect “Australia – Melbourne”.
  • Other settings you can configure are available, and you can bring up a manual for the software by running the following code: “man expressvpn”.

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Other functions and features

1. You can switch VPN protocols to increase your connection speed when surfing the net. ExpressVPN’s most popular protocol is OpenVPN. With this, you get to navigate between TCP and UDP systems. Automatically, the best option will be picked for you by ExpressVPN.

  • To use TCP, run this code: “expressvpn protocol tcp”.
  • For UDP, this is the code to run:”expressvpn protocol udp”.
  • To allow ExpressVPN to switch and select the best protocol, run: “expressvpn protocol auto.”

2. To have a full list of all protocols as you enter commands, click the “tab” key twice. If you are typing “expressvpn protocol”, for instance, and you click the tab key twice, a list of all available protocols will appear.

3. If you need to uninstall the ExpressVPN app on your Raspberry PI device, input this command: “sudo dpkg – expressvpn”

Sometimes, you may need to troubleshoot the installation if an error code like “cannot connect to expressvpn daemon” comes up. Run the following code in order to start ExpressVPN again: sudo service expressvpn restart.”

In conclusion

Raspberry Pi is a revolutionary device that can perform quite a lot of functions. However, to protect it from malware, you need to use a VPN that works.

ExpressVPN is highly recommended for Raspberry Pi. For you to not encounter any problems while installing ExpressVPN on your Raspberry PI, we have provided adequate and accurate information to guide you.